Developing a Plugin on BlackBerry
How to make the Echo plugin on Blackberry
This guide explores how to develop the Echo plugin on BlackBerry. If you haven't read the top-level guide about the JavaScript part of the plugin, it would be best if you read that first and then this guide. In addition, please download the Cordova Blackberry repo.
The Cordova-BlackBerry project allows you to deploy to BlackBerry devices such a the Torch and Bold, as well as the Playbook. There's a difference between deploying to normal BlackBerry handheld devices and the Playbook. They use two different code bases, so when you develop for one, you have to duplicate your efforts for the other! This guide focuses on the handheld devices rather than the tablet. (In the future, this guide should cover both platforms.)
Continuing on from the previous guide, the Echo plugin essentially
returns whatever message a user provides to the window.echo
The Echo function:
window.echo = function(str, callback) {
cordova.exec(callback, function(err) {
callback('Nothing to echo.');
}, "Echo", "echo", [str]);
Modifying plugins.xml
Your project's www/plugins.xml
folder contains all of the necessary
references to your Cordova project's plugins. Add an
additional reference so that when cordova.exec
is called, Cordova
knows how to map the Echo
argument of cordova.exec
to the Echo
class that we want to write natively:
<plugin name="Echo" value="org.apache.cordova.echo.Echo"/>
If you notice the structure of the value attribute, you'll see a
defined path that leads to the Echo plugin. In the root folder of the
Cordova BlackBerry WebWorks repo, look for a folder called framework.
This folder contains all of the source code that runs natively on the
BlackBerry. Navigate to framework/ext/src/org/apache/cordova
. At
this point, you'll see all of the plugin folders, inside of which is
the source code. So add the folder echo to
and create a file called
at framework/ext/src/org/apache/cordova/echo/
The basic idea behind writing a plugin is to create a class that
extends the Plugin class and have a method called execute
to return
a PluginResult
class. Any call to cordova.exec
passes in the
action to execute within the class, as well as the arguments. In this
case, "echo" is the action we want to execute within the class "Echo"
and [str] are the arguments we are passing in.
package org.apache.cordova.echo;
import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin;
import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult;
import org.apache.cordova.json4j.JSONArray;
import org.apache.cordova.json4j.JSONException;
import org.apache.cordova.json4j.JSONObject;
* A simple plugin to demonstrate how to build a plugin for Blackberry
* Basically echos back the msg that a user calls to this plugin
public final class Echo extends Plugin {
public static final String echo = "echo";
public PluginResult execute(String action, JSONArray args, String callbackId) {
PluginResult result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.INVALID_ACTION, "Echo: Invalid action:" + action);
try {
String theMsg = args.getString(0);
if(theMsg!= null || theMsg.length()>0){
result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, theMsg);
result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR, "Nothing to echo.");
} catch (JSONException e) {
result = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.JSON_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage());
return result;
So if we look at the code above, we can see that within the execute
method, we are first looking for what actions are coming in. The Echo
plugin has only one action, echo
, so we will be only checking for
that. If our plugin had more actions, it's simply a matter of adding
more conditional tests to check for those actions.
We are then going to grab the message coming in from the arguments
which is supplied by the args parameter. We can grab the first
argument by simply doing String theMsg = args.getString(0);
We will do some error checking and if the message looks okay, we will
instantiate a new PluginResult with an ok status:
and return the message: theMsg
. After this,
we return the result which to be passed back to JavaScript to be fired
in the success callback. If something fails, we can return various
status exceptions like PluginResult.Status.ERROR
, or
. When passed back, these types of
results fire the fail callback in JavaScript.
Updating the .jar in your project's www folder
The added
needs to be updated in your project. To build
the .jar
file, Navigate to the BlackBerry WebWorks repo's root
directory and run the ant
ant update -Dproject.path="~/path_to_my_project"
This builds a new .jar
file in the build/ext
directory. Copy the
file into your project/www/ext
If all goes well, that allows you to use the Echo plugin in BlackBerry.